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Daily Life Support for Foreigners

Multicultural Family Support Centers

The Multicultural Family Support Centers were established to help marriage immigrants and their families to successfully settle in Korea. There are a total of 231 Multicultural Family Support Centers being operated in Korea. The Centers provide Korean language education for marriage immigrants, education on multicultural understanding, education for families, counseling for individuals and families, employment and business start-up support services, and translation and interpretation services. The Centers also operate bilingual classes and services for language development support (support for Korean language education) for the children of marriage immigrants.

  • Multicultural Family Support Centers are locally operated. The Centers are open from 09:00 to 18:00 during weekdays.
  • By 2023, 231 centers are operated nationwide.
  • ☎ Call 1577-1366 to contact the nearest Multicultural Family Support Center.

Korea Migrants Center

Immigration Contact Center(☎1345)

The Immigration Contact Center is a multilingual information platform that offers counseling on civil affairs and necessary administrative information in a variety of languages to help foreigners residing in Korea adjust to society.
(Available languages : Korean, Chinese, English, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Mongolian, Indonesian, French, Bengali, Punjabi, Urdu, Russian, Nepali, Khmer, Burmese, German, Spanish, Tagalog, Arabic, and Sinhala)

  • Available Services
    • Counseling for foreigners regarding immigration affairs and living in Korea
    • 3-way Interpretation Services for the central administrative agencies, local governments, public institutions, and non-profit civic organizations in dealing with foreigner-related work
    • 3-way Interpretation Services for the Community Lawyer System for Foreigners
  • Counseling Service Hours
    • 09:00 to 22:00 on weekdays
    • After 18:00 pm, services are only available in Korean, English, and Chinese
  • Contact No.
    • Dial 1345 (without an area code) from anywhere in Korea, from either a landline or mobile phone
    • From overseas, dial +82-2-1345

Websites with Support for Multiple Languages

In virtue of the highly advance ICT networks of Korea, foreign immigrants are provided access to information on life in Korea through websites, and can use cyber educational programs such as Korean language programs and Korean culture education. The websites operated by the organizations below are very useful for they support multiple languages.

Websites Address Organizer Services
Multicultural Family Support Portal Site www.liveinkorea.kr The Central Office for Multicultural Family Support Centers Korean language education and guide to life in Korea, integrated multicultural family support service including multilingual news
korea.net korea.net Korean Culture and Information Service Official website of Korea
KBS World News world.kbs.co.kr KBS World Multicultural news, cultural programs and entertainment programs
Broadcasting Services for Immigrants www.mntv.net Korea Migrants Center News in multiple languages and Korean, in everyday life
e-Learning Services for Multicultural Families www.hikorea.go.kr/ Korea Digital University Korean language education
Korea Migrants Center www.migrantok.org Korea Migrants Center Counseling and education information
Hi Korea www.hikorea.go.kr/Main.pt Ministry of Justice Online applications for services of the Ministry of Justice, including reservations,reentry permit, and visa extension
Mango Net www.mangonet.kr Window to Asia Community services for marriage immigrants, including information on education, healthcare and employment
korea sparkling www.visitkorea.or.kr Korea Tourism Organizatio Information on tourist destinations and festivals of Korea